European Project Semester at ISEP - EPS@ISEP

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European Project Semester at ISEP - EPS@ISEP

This is the template of your wiki. It should be updated every week to introduce the weekly report, specify the agenda of the next meeting and write the minute of the last meeting. Please create a Dropbox folder for sharing and holding the team working data.

Project Title

Context‐aware Smart Object

Project Summary

The goal is to develop a object for user interaction that communicates with a PC and shows the user interactions in a virtual world.

The project requirements are:

  1. To build a cordless interface
  2. Power autonomy
  3. Wire less conextion to PC via bluetooth
  4. …;
  5. …;
  6. …;
  7. Comply with the following EU Directives:
    1. Machine Directive (2006/42/CE 2006-05-17);
    2. Electrical Safety: Low Level Voltage Directive (2006/95/CE 2006-12-12);
    3. Restriction of Hazardous Substances (ROHS) in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (2002/95/EC 2003-01-27);
  8. Mandatory adoption and use of the International System of Units (The NIST International Guide for the use of the International System of Units)
  9. Use open source technologies.


Institution: Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto

Group N.:3.:


  • Hannes Harms
  • Anna Janaszkiewicz
  • Jana Valauskaitė
  • Toomas Juht


  • António Ferreira da Silva (afs 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt)
  • Manuel Santos Silva (mss 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt)
  • Maria Benedita Malheiro (mbm 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt)
  • Maria Cristina Ribeiro (mcr 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt)
  • Nídia Sá Caetano (nsc 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt)
  • Paulo Ferreira (pdf 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt)
  • Pedro Barbosa Guedes (pbg 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt)


  • José Barros Oliveira (jbo 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt)



Student Name, username@mailserver, facebook, twitter, etc.

EPS@ISEP Group at Facebook



  • Prof. João Correia Lopes
  • Eng.º Vítor Costa Cerqueira

EPS@ISEP Wiki Template 2012/01/15 15:35

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